
CPP Wind > News
27 Apr
Upwind Velocity Profilie
What is wind speed?
Category: Blogs
It’s a simple question, right? In a thunderstorm, television weather reporters might speak about sustained winds of 50 kilometers per hour (31 mph) with gusts as high as 100 (62 mp...
22 Apr
Welcome Richard Tan, CPP’s Representative in Southeast Asia
Category: News
As a part of our growing business in Southeast Asia, CPP is proud to welcome Richard Tan as our regional representative for business in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia...
16 Apr
Dr. Jon Peterka
The distinguished career of Dr. Jon Peterka, part III
Category: Blogs, Features
The ASCE 7 Subcommittee on Wind Loads is tasked with the not insignificant role of codifying the procedures by which engineers calculate wind loads on buildings in most of the Unit...
13 Apr
Dr. Jon Peterka
The distinguished career of Dr. Jon Peterka, Part II
Category: Blogs, Features
It took about two years for CP/A, as the organization was then called, to get on its feet. Everything was built from scratch. From software and analysis procedures to data collecti...
09 Apr
Dr. Jon Peterka
The distinguished career of Dr. Jon Peterka, Part I
Category: Blogs, Features
CPP, Inc., is at once delighted and filled with regret to announce the retirement of Dr. Jon Peterka, one of our company’s original three founders. Jon’s last day of active service...
08 Apr
Managing Smoke in a Large Indoor Space
Category: Videos
CPP principal Dr. David Banks explains smoke management for large indoor spaces. He threatens the safety of a Post-it® note to show how smoke is like water and points out that, ult...
26 Mar
One Central Park in Sydney, Australia
CPP Project Profiled in Engineers Australia Magazine
Category: News
In the February 2014 edition of Engineers Australia (EA), the premier magazine for the profession in the Australasian region, the Project News section features a profile of CPPR...
14 Mar
Dr. Jon Peterka
CPP President, Co-Founder Jon Peterka Retires
Category: News
Dr. Jon Peterka, President and co-founder of CPP, has retired after more than 32 years of leadership with the company and more than 50 years in wind engineering. Dr. Peterka has be...
05 Mar
Model of an airplane in an aerospace wind tunnel
Not all wind tunnels are the same
Category: Blogs
Even if you’ve never experienced a wind tunnel up close, chances are you’ve seen at least one in car commercials, TV documentaries, or even on your tour at NASA. But did you know t...
04 Mar
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnels
Category: Videos
CPP Vice President John Carter explains the importance of atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnels for testing wind effects on structures and presents how they differ from aeronauti...