
CPP Wind > News > News
07 Feb
Quay Quater Tower
Quay Quarter Tower Transformed
Category: Blogs, News
Wind engineering, including wind tunnel studies, is conducted most commonly during the design phase of a project. As repurposing, adaptation, and extension of existing buildings ar...
16 Jul
Mitigating Odors and Emissions in Your Healthcare Facility is Good Medicine—For Everyone
Category: Blogs, News
When it comes to the world of healthcare, the term “exhausted” is generally regarded as a bad thing. In fact, the word is frequently associated with long hours, limited supplies, a...
05 Feb
CPP Wind Announces Partnership with Tuckerman Capital
Category: Blogs, News
CPP Wind Engineering Consultants, an internationally recognized leader in wind engineering services, is excited to announce their partnership with Tuckerman Capital. “We at C...
17 Jan
topography on solar
The Effect of Topography on Wind Loads on Solar PV Structures
Category: Blogs, News
Topography significantly affects how wind interacts with solar photovoltaic (PV) structures. While flat terrain installations have their own sets of challenges and best practices, ...
02 Feb
UC Health Campus under construction
Just What the Doctor Ordered for Healthcare and Research Facilities
Category: Blogs, News
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” ~ Ben Franklin One of Mr. Franklin’s most famous quotes, this pearl of wisdom is often used in the context of health and wellness...
16 Dec
Solar panel, anemomter siting, solar tracking
Benefits of Measuring Wind Loads on an Aeroelastic Model
Category: Blogs, News
Aeroelastic load measurements for solar trackers. Historically, tests of miniature rigid models in atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnels have been performed to estimate wind load...
30 Sep
Solar panel, anemomter siting, solar tracking
Ensure the Success of Your Solar Tracker with Anemometer Siting
Category: Blogs, News
On-site anemometers play a crucial role in solar tracker operation by triggering the trackers to move to their wind stow position as winds ramp up from an approaching storm. Anemom...