
CPP Wind > News
05 Oct
Typical duct work for a mechanical ventilation system
Ventilation strategies
Category: Blogs
Ventilation is one of the most fundamental aspects of building design. Subpar air replacement methods may cause occupant discomfort, while inadequate ventilation can be downright h...
28 Sep
The Redbox office uses natural light in creative and effective ways
Lighting enlightened: Three strategies to harness natural light for your business
Category: Blogs
In a recent blog post, we discussed some of the most commonly cited environmental factors that affect worker productivity and workplace efficiency. Today, we’ll examine in more dep...
21 Sep
A shot of the new office. Glass-front offices (far wall) and windows behind the photographer keep everything open.
Productivity and the indoor environment
Category: Uncategorized
This is an exciting week for all of us here at CPP. While our North American wind tunnels are staying put, most of our Fort Collins-based engineering, administrative, and business ...
07 Sep
Snow Drifting
Snow loading and drifting
Category: Blogs
Developers who build structures in snow-prone regions must consider winter weather in their designs. If the wind is calm, snow weighs down whatever it falls upon with a gravity loa...
31 Aug
Terrain on GEP Stack Height
What is the stack effect?
Category: Blogs
A frequently discussed phenomenon in air quality, natural ventilation, and smoke mitigation studies is the so-called stack effect. Sometimes called the chimney effect, the stack ef...
25 Aug
ASCE 7-10
Why did the wind speeds increase in ASCE/SEI 7-10?
Category: Blogs
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) publishes Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE/SEI 7-10), which descr...
17 Aug
CPP welcomes Tom McGimpsey to board of directors
Category: Blogs
CPP, Inc. is pleased to announce that Tom McGimpsey has joined our board of directors. Tom currently serves as Executive Vice President of Corporate Development and general legal c...
10 Aug
"Cyclone Catarina from the ISS on March 26 2004" by Astronaut photograph ISS008-E-19646
Anatomy of a tropical cyclone
Category: Blogs
In an earlier post, we took a look at the differences between hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones. All three names refer to the same weather phenomenon, a tropical cyclonic storm, a...
27 Jul
5894_Via 57 West_Durst New York
Why our wind tunnels are so large
Category: Blogs
Visitors to CPP’s facilities are often surprised to discover just how big our wind tunnels are in person. When asked why they’re so large, our response is always the same: Because ...
20 Jul
Figure 1b downwindlow
How poor ventilation design can cause indoor odor problems
Category: Blogs
Indoor air quality refers to how pure air is within an occupied indoor space. While most of us intuitively understand that contaminants like mold, carbon dioxide, and secondhand sm...