Dr. Graeme Wood

CPP Wind > Who We Are > Our Experts > Dr. Graeme Wood

With more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Graeme Wood, is a globally recognized technical leader in the field of wind engineering. Beginning in 1997, he was a consulting engineer and senior lecturer at The University of Sydney. In 2007, he became a founding director of CPP Wind’s Sydney, Australia office. In 2017, Graeme moved on to Arup, as a regional wind engineering lead and returned to CPP in 2024.

Graeme has researched and consulted on most building-related wind engineering issues, including pedestrian-level wind conditions, wind loading on structures and facades, dynamic response of high-rise buildings to wind loading, large roofs including stadia and convention centres, wind-induced fatigue on various structures, and internal pressures and flows. Other wind engineering studies include kinetic sculptures, wind turbines, solar panels, broadband and tonal aeroacoustic noise, full-scale measurements of building dynamics and aircraft outflows, turbulence impacts on aircraft operations, detailed wind climate studies, and wind-driven rain, thunderstorm downbursts, environmental human comfort, and snow-drifting deposition behind buildings. He has over 60 research publications. Graeme is a globally recognized technical leader with his contributions to architectural design excellence competitions, and well respected for his broad technical knowledge and pragmatic design advice.

Graeme is a member of the BD006-02 (Wind Actions), BD 73 (lattice towers), and CE 008 (fencing) committees for Standards Australia, responsible for the wind loading of structures. He is an Australasian Wind Engineering Society member, has provided expert legal testimony over many years, and continues to teach a full-semester Masters wind course at The University of Sydney.