
Meet CPP experts at Research Facilities 2018 Conference

CPP’s Jeff Reifschneider and Ryan Parker will attend the Research Facilities 2018 Conference. In addition, CPP will sponsor the lunch on Thursday, April 26.

The Spring Conference takes place April 26-27 in Boston, Massachusetts at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel.

The conference attracts capital project teams, project managers, research program directors, facility managers and engineers, and more.

Learn about new directions for planning, design, and construction of labs and research support space. Delve into how new realities—convergence of traditionally independent research programs and space, the shift toward shared core resources, emerging downsides of older lab designs, new workspace models—might impact your labs and research facilities. Benchmark best-in-class plans and programs, build on successes and lessons learned from others, and shape actionable new plans for your organization.

Join CPP experts Jeff Reifschneider and Ryan Parker, and be sure to attend the lunch Thursday, April 26, sponsored by Special Event Host CPP.

Register for the conference here.