
Providing efficient design for healthcare in the Middle East

As Middle Eastern countries continue to grow and their cities build ever higher, new hospitals pop up alongside gleaming skyscrapers to meet the increased demand for quality care. If you are developing a new healthcare facility in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, or elsewhere in the region, trust CPP and our established Dubai office to help you design a building that is safe, comfortable, and efficient.

Laboratory efficiency

By their very nature, hospitals and other healthcare facilities depend upon laboratories for research, diagnostics, and advanced treatments. Such facilities require robust exhaust systems that effectively remove lab contaminants and protect occupant health. But sometimes these systems move more air than is actually needed, which costs owners and operators money.

The University of Southampton’s Synthetic Chemistry Building is a prime example. An exhaustive audit of the lab’s energy usage, original exhaust system, and local wind environment gave our engineers the information they needed to recommend an innovative variable air volume (VAV) system that currently translates to annual savings of more than US $75,000.

In a similar investigation of the new Lunder Building at Massachusetts General Hospital, CPP’s air quality experts evaluated multiple exhaust configurations to determine the best design for venting contaminants and odors, enhancing the experience of hospital patients, staff, and guests alike. Additional recommendations concerning the design of the roof and special exhaust oxidizers further enhanced the value of these air quality services.

Air quality

Designers have a responsibility to create a built environment that promotes healthy indoor spaces without degrading air quality for the neighbors. Investigations like our air permitting study for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility help designers predict how a building will affect nearby structures so that the permitting process proceeds smoothly and without last-minute surprises related to exhaust dispersion.

While permitting requirements naturally differ from one country to another, the basic physics governing pollutant dispersion remain the same throughout the world. And with our long history of working with iconic structures in the Middle East, CPP is uniquely positioned to help our clients in the region achieve the air quality standards of the appropriate local jurisdictions.

Pedestrian comfort

Just as a new building shouldn’t degrade air quality for its neighbors, neither should it create hazardous or uncomfortably windy conditions nearby. A major structure constructed in a previously unoccupied space modifies wind patterns and can dramatically affect user experiences on patios, on sidewalks, in courtyards, and on rooftops.

A pedestrian comfort study from CPP helps ensure that your healthcare facility delivers a healthy experience to all who interact with it, both indoors and out.

Structural and cladding loads

All buildings are affected by the wind, but hospitals are held to much higher standards than other structures with respect to wind-worthiness. That’s because hospitals form part of a community’s emergency response infrastructure and must remain operational even during natural disasters like major wind events and earthquakes.

When you work with CPP to wind engineer your building, you can rest easily, knowing that your building is designed to exceed the requirements for wind loads most likely to cause damage. And when we find opportunities for efficiency, we’ll help you reduce material costs so that you’re not paying for structure you don’t need.

Integrated services

But CPP is pleased to offer much more than itemized services. Whenever possible, integrating two or more studies permits a comprehensive, holistic approach that lets us evaluate how changes to design elements affect the entire structure. CPP’s comprehensive study for the state-of-the-art Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Australia, typifies our multifaceted approach to some of the world’s toughest structural and environmental engineering problems.

To best serve our clients in the Middle East, CPP is pleased to have Mr. Bhami Ilyas representing us in the United Arab Emirates. Please contact Mr. Ilyas to discuss the details of your next healthcare project in the Middle East.


UAE phone: +971 (0)4 253 5061

USA phone: +1 970 221 3371